Конкурс немачке компаније BASF за финансирање научно-истраживачких радова студената

Конкурс, који ће почети 6. септембра, немачке компаније BASF намењен је свим студентима природних наука који развијају решења за еколошки одрживу будућност. Јавна презентација биће одржана у четвртак 06.09.2018.г. у Универзитетској библиотеци „Светозар Марковић“ у Београду (Булевар краља Александра 71). Присуство се мора потврдити слањем мејла на ana.matijevic@pressoffice.rs На конкурс је могуће пријавити се мастер радовима, докторским дисертацијама и слично, а важно је да ти радови одговарају на неки од три еколошка макротренда. Детаљне информације се налазе на овом линку. опширније…

The route to J-integral by prof. James Rice

Professor James Rice, world-leading expert in the field of mechanics, recently visited the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, where he held a heavily attended lecture devoted to the 50th anniversary of his paper about the J-integral. The lecture was a part of the international fracture mechanics Summer School, an event that accompanied the 22nd European Conference on Fracture which is currently taking place at the “Metropol” hotel. James rice is a professor of engineering sciences and geophysics at the Harvard University in the USA. Fifty years ago he formulated one of the most important fracture mechanics parameters, the so-called J-integral, which is defined as one of the means for calculating of the change in fracture surface strain energy, which… опширније…

ECF 22 – Global scientific elite in Belgrade

The problems of fracture mechanics and structural integrity were the central topic of the 22. European Conference on Fracture, which takes place in Belgrade, from 27th to 31st of August this year. More than 500 participants from all over the world will consider the most important aspects of this field of mechanics, which studies problems related to cracks and their effects on the behaviour of materials and structures. The conference was organised by the Structural Integrity and Life Society “Prof. dr Stojan Sedmak”, in cooperation with the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). This conference on fracture, the first to be held in Serbia after 26 years, was officially opened on Monday, August 27th at the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade. The… опширније…