Дан Св. Саве на МФ:  У знаку најбоље књиге за 2017.г.

Годишња награда Машинског факултета за најбољу књигу у  2017. години, свечано је уручена аутору, др Ивану Божићу за књигу  „Хидрауличне турбине – Практични примери са изводима из теорије“. Поводом Дана Светог Саве, Машински факултет сваке године додељује награду за најбољу књигу у протеклој календарској години, чији су аутори са МФ, а издавач сам Факултет или друга издавачка кућа у земљи или иностранству. Награду је уручио декан МФ, проф. др Радивоје Митровић, a o књизи је говорио један од рецензената, проф. др Милош Недељковић. Ова награда ми, заиста, много значи и за мене има троструки значај, изјавио је  у разговору за сајт МФ, др Божић. Први и основни значај, према његовим речима, лежи у чињеници, да се књига са овом тематиком,… опширније…

Министарство ОИС: Конкурс за стипендирање студија у РС

Министарство омладине и спорта расписало је Конкурс за стипендирање до 900 најбољих студената завршне године основних академских студија и до 400 студената завршне године мастер академских студија са високошколских установа чији је оснивач Република Србија, за школску 2017/18. годину. Конкурс је отворен  до 31. јануара 2018. године. Детаљније информације о конкурсу, укључујући текст конкурса, образац за конкурисање и преосталу конкурсну документацију можте наћи на следећој страници: http://www.fondzamladetalente.rs/objavljen-konkurs-za-stipendiranje-stu-2/. опширније…

Стипендије Владе Француске

  ,У жељи да унапреди сарадњу између Француске и Србије и да подстакне мобилност студената, Француски институт у Србији сваке године додељује стипендије студентима из Србије који желе да наставе школовање у Француској за ниво мастер-2 и докторате. Стипендије   покривају трошкове школарине, живота у Француској, као и социјалног осигурања.Конкурс је отворен до 16. марта 2018. Сваке године око педесет студената искористи ову финансијску подршку Владе Француске за студије у некој од 3500 високошколских установа у Француској. Студенти могу да конкуришу за разне програме стипендија:  мастер 2-све области;мастер 2-стипендија за бивше матуранте Математичке гимназије у Београду;  докторат у коменторству;пост мастер програм Коперник; стипендија за Националну високу школу за лепу уметност (ЕНСБА). Подношење кандидатура на адресу: Француски институт у Србији, Змај Јовина 11,… опширније…

Nemanja Gligorijevic – A student and an entrepreneur

Nemanja Gligorijević is a student of the final year of master studies at the Production Engineering department of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. However, he already has his own small-size company which produces 3D printers and provides 3D printing services. “It was my desire to confirm in practice the degree of a mechanical engineer and the knowledge obtained at the faculty. Hence, I designed and manufactured several models of 3D printers. In June last year, together with my sister, I founded the start-up company Highbreed Systems and we are currently the only 3D printer producers in Serbia”, says Nemanja. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has a yearlong tradition of an educational institution which encourages the students to be innovative and… опширније…

The J21 Jastreb – The custodian of the tradition of aeronautical engineering

The J-21 Jastreb (Hawk), the first domestic fighting aircraft which was serially produced in the former Yugoslavia, has been recently placed on the plateau in front of the Aeronautical Technical Institute of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. The aircraft is positioned on a six-metre high pedestal in slight ascent, which creates an impression that it is really flying and draws the attention of passers-by on daily basis. The J-21 Jastreb is training and fighting aircraft designed at the Aeronautical Technical Institute with great participation of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, says Dr Časlav Mitrović, the Head of the Department, which has recently celebrated eight decades of educating aeronautical engineers in Serbia. The… опширније…

CLEAN-kWAT project – Achieving the balance between energy systems and the environment

The first results of the international CLEAN-kWAT project, in which the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is a participant, have been recently presented at the 48th International Congress on Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning held in Belgrade. The basic aim of the project is to support the system of education of young engineers in the energy supply sector. The idea is to develop innovative materials which would help integrate environmental considerations into energy systems development. Some of the most important project results include developing training materials for young engineers, the e-learning portal and videos. The participants of the Erasmus+ KA2 CLEAN-kWAT project are eight reputable scientific institutions, companies and NGOs from Turkey, Germany, Serbia, Spain and Hungary. The project is funded with… опширније…

The DualEdu Project – Domestic needs, foreign experiences and the best model for Serbia

The DualEdu Erasmus+ project, aimed at the implementation of dual education in higher education in Serbia, has been recently presented at the first kick-off meeting of the project team at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The project brings together 14 permanent partners from Serbia, Germany, Austria, France, Spain and Poland. It started on 15th October 2017 and is scheduled to last over the next three years. The basic idea is to make a dual education model in the system of higher education that would be general enough, but also flexible, and which could be implemented depending on the needs of higher education institutions, says professor Nenad Zrnić, Vice-Dean for international scientific cooperation at the FME. The development of the expert… опширније…

Students of the Industrial Engineering module – Winners of the Bosch week

Danijela Živanović, Ivana Knežević, Miloš Perić, Alen Alidini and Dragomir Zec are the members of the team of students from the Industrial Engineering module that provided the best solution to the case study at the competition held as a part of the week of the Robert Bosch Company. These talented young people proudly say that this competition was a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate in practice the high quality of education of engineers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Four student teams participated in solving the case study, formed of students attending different modules of the FME – industrial engineering, production engineering, food industry engineering and thermal power engineering. Each team was tasked with providing the best solution to the problem… опширније…

Robots and platforms from the laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

The moving platform for realistic flight and driving simulators, developed by Professor Dragan Milutinović, is only one in the vast array of current projects of the researchers at the Industrial Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The cutting-edge platform is intended for making simulators for various kinds of vehicles, such as aircraft, armoured personnel carriers or construction machinery, says Professor Milutinović, who is also the Head of the Laboratory. The device, which has captured the attention of both the domestic and international manufacturers, is the outcome of twenty years of work on the modelling of parallel kinematic machines (robots, machine tools and simulators). One of the most important results achieved during this research is the… опширније…

The Road Arrow Team – The pride of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the University of Belgrade

Eight years ago, a group of students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering gathered around an amazing idea and managed to form the team that would represent Serbia at Formula Student, the most prestigious engineering students’ competition in the world. Owing to students’ commitment and great support, the Road Arrow team has become a recognisable brand and the pride of both the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and University of Belgrade. The task of the members of the team is to design and construct a racing car, which then competes at racing tracks throughout Europe with 600 university teams from around the world. Six vehicles were made starting from 2012, and the team competed in races all around Europe (Germany, Great… опширније…