Application process of Call 1 starts on 1. March 2023 This international programme involves 4 academic partners – it is coordinated by the Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) in cooperation with the University of Leeds (UK), Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) and University of Coimbra (Portugal) – and 50 associated partners, mainly from industry (e.g., Volvo, Scania, Oerlikon, SKF, Hidria, Kolektor, Mahle, Cummins, and others). The programme will host 24 post-doctoral researchers, each with a 3-year contract. The annual salary available to each postdoc is a minimum of €69,360, or €77,280 for a postdoc who is entitled to a family allowance. Mobility GT will be realised in two calls for two cohorts of… опширније…