Creators of Future

Dragan Aleksendrić PhD, the University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (CorD magazine)

The University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is organized to train future engineers who will be able to respond to the new challenges of Serbia’s development.

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade students learn how to improve the functional characteristics of some system over a longer period of time; how to incorporate mechanisms to learn, conclude and adapt to new working conditions.Artificial intelligence techniques ensure the most important features of future intelligent systems: learning, “creativity”, “thinking”, reasoning, understanding, autonomous behavior, adaptability, the ability to self organize etc.

Dragan Aleksendrić PhD, the University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Artificial intelligence doesn’t essentially differ from that which is known to us as human intelligence – it’s just that we process data using different tools.

It is predicted that, in the next 10 to 20 years, there will be no economic sector in which artificial intelligence doesn’t play a significant role.

We are entering an era of a new type of intelligence, an intelligence that can be created. Mechanical engineers have already started doing that, are we all aware of this?

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