Last year, the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering returned with a gold medal from the Hydrocontest 2018, the international competition of naval architecture students, where they won the Mass Transport category race. Their conceptual design, blueprint, calculations, project design and the small remote-controlled cargo vessel they made on their own were the most innovative and with the best features. The vessel reached its destination in the shortest possible time. Thanks to this success, our student team was invited to Monaco for an even more inspiring competition, the Solar & Energy Boat Challenge, which demands building a larger man-operated vessel. Besides student teams, shipbuilding companies also participate in the event, and the competition is organized in three categories.
Индустријско инжењерство у компанији Бросе
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Одржана радионица „Визија и мисија Иновационог инкубатора Машинског факултета“
Машинци генерације `69 обележили 55 година од уписа на факултет
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